It's Urgent

We need to raise €50,000 to continue our projects through the end of 2020. When you support Hostwriter with a donation, you’re supporting the nearly 5000 journalists from 150+ countries that rely on our network for advice, networking and collaboration opportunities they can’t get anywhere else.

Donate Now and Get Limited Rewards

Support Hostwriter with a donation before 31 May 2020 in order to get one of the following perks:

100+ Euros One-Time Pledge

Make a donation of at least 100 Euros and get a copy of our book, Unbias the News and an Unbias the News tote bag (while supplies last).

5+ Euros Monthly Support

Become a monthly supporting member for at least 5 Euros and receive a digital PDF of our book, Unbias the News.

Why We Ask You for Support

We are grateful for the generous support of foundations such as Adessium Foundation and Rudolf Augstein Foundation, and we see philanthropy as an existential pillar for Hostwriter. To increase our financial sustainability, we've drawn up an ambitious plan to increase donations as an additional revenue stream.

How do we get there?

We have developed some alternative revenue streams in addition to philanthropic funding:

Trainings & Workshops

Hostwriter provides trainings and workshops in “Cross-Border Journalism“ for a fee.

Unbias the News

Our first Hostwriter book Unbias the News. Why diversity matters for journalism is out on sale.

Become a Hostwriter supporter today!

All supporters who make a one-time donation of 100 € or more, or who register for monthly recurring donations will be listed (if they wish to be publicly acknowledged) on a special 2020 Hostwriter Supporter Appreciation page on Hostwriter’s website.

If you donate before 31 May 2020, you’ll receive one of the perks listed above!

Get in touch

If you have questions, please get in touch with us at any time.
Thanks, Your Hostwriter Team.